左偏红黑树是红黑树的一种变体,它的对红边(点)的位置做了一定限制,使得其插入与删除操作可以与 2-3-4 树构成一一对应。
- 节点是红色或黑色;
- 红色的节点的所有儿子的颜色必须是黑色,即从每个叶子到根的所有路径上不能有两个连续的红色节点;
- 从任一节点到其子树中的每个叶子的所有简单路径上都包含相同数目的黑色节点。(黑高平衡)
维护这些性质是比较复杂的,如果我们要插入一个节点,首先,它一定会被染色成红色,否则会破坏性质 3。即使这样,我们还是有可能会破坏性质 2。因此需要进行调整。而删除节点就更加麻烦,与插入类似,我们不能删除黑色节点,否则会破坏黑高的平衡。如何方便地解决这些问题呢?
左偏红黑树(Left Leaning Red Black Tree)¶
- 要么全是黑色;
- 要么左儿子是红色,右儿子是黑色。
我们首先使用普通的 BST 插入方法,在树的底部插入一个红色的叶子节点,然后通过从下向上的调整,使得插入后的树仍然符合左偏红黑树的性质。下面描述调整的过程:
因此需要把它进行一次右旋。而对于右旋后的情况,我们应该对它进行 color_flip
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::fix_up(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (is_red(root->rc) && !is_red(root->lc)) // fix right leaned red link
root = rotate_left(root);
if (is_red(root->lc) &&
is_red(root->lc->lc)) // fix doubly linked left leaned red link
// if (root->lc == nullptr), then the second expr won't be evaluated
root = rotate_right(root);
if (is_red(root->lc) && is_red(root->rc))
// break up 4 node
root->size = size(root->lc) + size(root->rc) + 1;
return root;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node_Set<Key, Compare>::insert(
Set::Node_root, const Key &key) const {
if (root == nullptr) return new Node(key, kRed, 1);
if (root->key == key)
else if (cmp\_(key, root->key)) // if (key < root->key)
root->lc = insert(root->lc, key);
root->rc = insert(root->rc, key);
return fix_up(root);
怎么才能保证最后删除的节点是红色的呢?我们需要在向下递归的过程中保证一个性质:如果当前节点是 h
,那么需要保证 h
是红色,或者 h->lc
考虑这样做的正确性,如果我们能够通过各种旋转和反转颜色操作成功维护这个性质,那么当我们到达最小的节点 h_min
的时候,有 h_min
是红色,或者 h_min
的左子树——但是 h_min
下面我们来考虑怎么满足这个性质,注意,我们会在向下递归的时候 临时地 破坏左偏红黑树的若干性质,但是当我们从递归中返回时还会将其恢复。
但如果 h->rc->lc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::move_red_left(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (is_red(root->rc->lc)) {
// assume that root->rc != nullptr when calling this function
root->rc = rotate_right(root->rc);
root = rotate_left(root);
return root;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::delete_min(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (root->lc == nullptr) {
delete root;
return nullptr;
if (!is_red(root->lc) && !is_red(root->lc->lc)) {
// make sure either root->lc or root->lc->lc is red
// thus make sure we will delete a red node in the end
root = move_red_left(root);
root->lc = delete_min(root->lc);
return fix_up(root);
我们首先考虑删除叶子:与删最小值类似,我们在删除任意值的过程中也要维护一个性质,不过这次比较特殊,因为我们不是只向左边走,而是可以向左右两个方向走,因此在删除过程中维护的性质是这样的:如果往左走,当前节点是 h
,那么需要保证 h
是红色,或者 h->lc
是红色;如果往右走,当前节点是 h
,那么需要保证 h
是红色,或者 h->rc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::delete_arbitrary(
Set::Node *root, Key key) const {
if (cmp_(key, root->key)) {
// key < root->key
if (!is_red(root->lc) && !(is_red(root->lc->lc)))
root = move_red_left(root);
// ensure the invariant: either root->lc or root->lc->lc (or root and
// root->lc after dive into the function) is red, to ensure we will
// eventually delete a red node. therefore we will not break the black
// height balance
root->lc = delete_arbitrary(root->lc, key);
} else {
// key >= root->key
if (is_red(root->lc)) root = rotate_right(root);
if (key == root->key && root->rc == nullptr) {
delete root;
return nullptr;
if (!is_red(root->rc) && !is_red(root->rc->lc)) root = move_red_right(root);
if (key == root->key) {
root->key = get_min(root->rc);
root->rc = delete_min(root->rc);
} else {
root->rc = delete_arbitrary(root->rc, key);
return fix_up(root);
下面的代码是用左偏红黑树实现的 Set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 | #include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
template <class Key, class Compare = std::less<Key>>
class Set {
enum NodeColor { kBlack = 0, kRed = 1 };
struct Node {
Key key;
Node *lc{nullptr}, *rc{nullptr};
size_t size{0};
NodeColor color; // the color of the parent link
Node(Key key, NodeColor color, size_t size)
: key(key), color(color), size(size) {}
Node() = default;
void destroyTree(Node *root) const {
if (root != nullptr) {
root->lc = root->rc = nullptr;
delete root;
bool is_red(const Node *nd) const {
return nd == nullptr ? false : nd->color; // kRed == 1, kBlack == 0
size_t size(const Node *nd) const { return nd == nullptr ? 0 : nd->size; }
Node *rotate_left(Node *node) const {
// left rotate a red link
// <1> <2>
// / \\ // \
// * <2> ==> <1> *
// / \ / \
// * * * *
Node *res = node->rc;
node->rc = res->lc;
res->lc = node;
res->color = node->color;
node->color = kRed;
res->size = node->size;
node->size = size(node->lc) + size(node->rc) + 1;
return res;
Node *rotate_right(Node *node) const {
// right rotate a red link
// <1> <2>
// // \ / \\
// <2> * ==> * <1>
// / \ / \
// * * * *
Node *res = node->lc;
node->lc = res->rc;
res->rc = node;
res->color = node->color;
node->color = kRed;
res->size = node->size;
node->size = size(node->lc) + size(node->rc) + 1;
return res;
NodeColor neg_color(NodeColor n) const { return n == kBlack ? kRed : kBlack; }
void color_flip(Node *node) const {
node->color = neg_color(node->color);
node->lc->color = neg_color(node->lc->color);
node->rc->color = neg_color(node->rc->color);
Node *insert(Node *root, const Key &key) const;
Node *delete_arbitrary(Node *root, Key key) const;
Node *delete_min(Node *root) const;
Node *move_red_right(Node *root) const;
Node *move_red_left(Node *root) const;
Node *fix_up(Node *root) const;
const Key &get_min(Node *root) const;
void serialize(Node *root, std::vector<Key> *) const;
void print_tree(Set::Node *root, int indent) const;
Compare cmp_ = Compare();
Node *root_{nullptr};
typedef Key KeyType;
typedef Key ValueType;
typedef std::size_t SizeType;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
typedef Compare KeyCompare;
typedef Compare ValueCompare;
typedef Key &Reference;
typedef const Key &ConstReference;
Set() = default;
Set(Set &) = default;
Set(Set &&) noexcept = default;
~Set() { destroyTree(root_); }
SizeType size() const;
SizeType count(const KeyType &key) const;
SizeType erase(const KeyType &key);
void clear();
void insert(const KeyType &key);
bool empty() const;
std::vector<Key> serialize() const;
void print_tree() const;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::SizeType Set<Key, Compare>::count(
ConstReference key) const {
Node *x = root_;
while (x != nullptr) {
if (key == x->key) return 1;
if (cmp_(key, x->key)) // if (key < x->key)
x = x->lc;
x = x->rc;
return 0;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::SizeType Set<Key, Compare>::erase(
const KeyType &key) {
if (count(key) > 0) {
if (!is_red(root_->lc) && !(is_red(root_->rc))) root_->color = kRed;
root_ = delete_arbitrary(root_, key);
if (root_ != nullptr) root_->color = kBlack;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
template <class Key, class Compare>
void Set<Key, Compare>::clear() {
root_ = nullptr;
template <class Key, class Compare>
void Set<Key, Compare>::insert(const KeyType &key) {
root_ = insert(root_, key);
root_->color = kBlack;
template <class Key, class Compare>
bool Set<Key, Compare>::empty() const {
return size(root_) == 0;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::insert(
Set::Node *root, const Key &key) const {
if (root == nullptr) return new Node(key, kRed, 1);
if (root->key == key)
else if (cmp_(key, root->key)) // if (key < root->key)
root->lc = insert(root->lc, key);
root->rc = insert(root->rc, key);
return fix_up(root);
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::delete_min(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (root->lc == nullptr) {
delete root;
return nullptr;
if (!is_red(root->lc) && !is_red(root->lc->lc)) {
// make sure either root->lc or root->lc->lc is red
// thus make sure we will delete a red node in the end
root = move_red_left(root);
root->lc = delete_min(root->lc);
return fix_up(root);
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::move_red_right(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (is_red(root->lc->lc)) { // assume that root->lc != nullptr when calling
// this function
root = rotate_right(root);
return root;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::move_red_left(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (is_red(root->rc->lc)) {
// assume that root->rc != nullptr when calling this function
root->rc = rotate_right(root->rc);
root = rotate_left(root);
return root;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::fix_up(
Set::Node *root) const {
if (is_red(root->rc) && !is_red(root->lc)) // fix right leaned red link
root = rotate_left(root);
if (is_red(root->lc) &&
is_red(root->lc->lc)) // fix doubly linked left leaned red link
// if (root->lc == nullptr), then the second expr won't be evaluated
root = rotate_right(root);
if (is_red(root->lc) && is_red(root->rc))
// break up 4 node
root->size = size(root->lc) + size(root->rc) + 1;
return root;
template <class Key, class Compare>
const Key &Set<Key, Compare>::get_min(Set::Node *root) const {
Node *x = root;
// will crash as intended when root == nullptr
for (; x->lc != nullptr; x = x->lc)
return x->key;
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::SizeType Set<Key, Compare>::size() const {
return size(root_);
template <class Key, class Compare>
typename Set<Key, Compare>::Node *Set<Key, Compare>::delete_arbitrary(
Set::Node *root, Key key) const {
if (cmp_(key, root->key)) {
// key < root->key
if (!is_red(root->lc) && !(is_red(root->lc->lc)))
root = move_red_left(root);
// ensure the invariant: either root->lc or root->lc->lc (or root and
// root->lc after dive into the function) is red, to ensure we will
// eventually delete a red node. therefore we will not break the black
// height balance
root->lc = delete_arbitrary(root->lc, key);
} else {
// key >= root->key
if (is_red(root->lc)) root = rotate_right(root);
if (key == root->key && root->rc == nullptr) {
delete root;
return nullptr;
if (!is_red(root->rc) && !is_red(root->rc->lc)) root = move_red_right(root);
if (key == root->key) {
root->key = get_min(root->rc);
root->rc = delete_min(root->rc);
} else {
root->rc = delete_arbitrary(root->rc, key);
return fix_up(root);
template <class Key, class Compare>
std::vector<Key> Set<Key, Compare>::serialize() const {
std::vector<int> v;
serialize(root_, &v);
return v;
template <class Key, class Compare>
void Set<Key, Compare>::serialize(Set::Node *root,
std::vector<Key> *res) const {
if (root == nullptr) return;
serialize(root->lc, res);
serialize(root->rc, res);
template <class Key, class Compare>
void Set<Key, Compare>::print_tree(Set::Node *root, int indent) const {
if (root == nullptr) return;
print_tree(root->lc, indent + 4);
std::cout << std::string(indent, '-') << root->key << std::endl;
print_tree(root->rc, indent + 4);
template <class Key, class Compare>
void Set<Key, Compare>::print_tree() const {
print_tree(root_, 0);
- Left-Leaning Red-Black Trees- Robert Sedgewick Princeton University
- Balanced Search Trees-_Algorithms_Robert Sedgewick | Kevin Wayne
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